Monday, February 14, 2011

Women In Girdles Picutres

ContraelVientodelNorte Title: Fighting North Wind

Author: Daniel Glattauer

Editorial: Alfaguara

Translation: Macarena González

"In everyday life no safer place for the secret desires that the virtual world? Leo Leike receive error messages from a stranger named Emmi. As is educated, he answers as he is attracted, she writes again. Thus, little by little, there is a dialogue in which there is no going back. It seems only a matter of time known in person, but alters the idea so strongly that they prefer to postpone the meeting. Emotions would survive ", received and saved an encounter" real "?


This book was recommended by a good friend and I thought it would be fun to read something that had to do with a love for the internet then once I started reading I could not help feeling I was reading a similar story but where I had been the main character and that half of the book could not help but break to mourn for them thus I'm very honest I will not be objective enough to do the review but still will try and for those have not read it I warn you to be a couple of spoilers.

as Emmi and I will enumerate the reasons why I loved the book:

  1. The premise is original, the fact that the whole book is based on post and are so interesting and funny and sometimes dramatic but always To read the next post and if you yourself were waiting for this post.
  2. The book is short but still always has your attention and I think I had long and tedious story had become
  3. The author captures well the feeling or described the situation of what happens when you start a relationship with someone virtually either friendship or a relationship.
  4. The ending was bittersweet but just need to believe that if I had finished all pink then it would have been realistic

Now they number things I did not like

  1. The character Emmi had moments where I say I found him selfish because he was never able to shed any of those things I wanted, or their family or Leo. She lived in fantasy world with Leo on the computer where the two were completely each other even if they never came to talk about a I love you or I love you and then if she was talking to Leo again Emmi always be with family, husband and stepchildren. You definitely can not be with God and the Devil, is hard to decide if and especially when the second person to know in person and only know in the virtual world of emails that have been created. There were times where I thought Emma unbearable child and a half I think I miss more training to their nature or may simply she was well and the author wanted to describe that.
  2. Although I was pleased that the book was short and always keeps you interested I think it is too simple, if it's interesting to read the responses of the post but I think that may have described a little more every day of the two main characters that you had a little more idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was happening to their surroundings when they were in their "virtual world"

Then I broke to mourn when I read it? Because this was my story with my ex boyfriend but just in different circumstances but the essence is the same, we fell in love from afar, but the obstacles of distance, marriage, relationships and more separated us and while many argue with me when you meet someone virtually the same as in person can not physically but if you really know what the person wants to know you for who you are in is not necessary for you to see if there are other ways and is virtually or via telephone.

So if you want a simple read that will probably take an afternoon reading this, this book is suitable for you, do not expect a book where a plot with different locations and human contact beyond the virtual. & # 160;

Well I hope you liked my review them and good if their attention throughout the book ends with this if it continues in Every Seven Waves soon be reviewing.

Rating: ratek3

Happy Valentine's Day!

always wants them,



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