Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mms Chetna And Prithvi

ChicaReview Anniversary Contest

Hi tod @ s I hope you are well, I promised here is the announcement of my anniversary contest. This year I will be giving away a copy of Delirium by Lauren Oliver, in hardcover and English.


Here are the rules for participation:
  1. Fill out the form found under the rules with the required information.
  2. must be a follower of the blog.
  3. The contest is open only to the American continent (if I'm including the U.S. and Spain) and always when you address.
  4. Please note that the book I'm giving away is and ENGLISH HARD COVER
  5. The contest will be released today, February 2, and is open until February 28 2011.
  6. The winner will be announced on March 2, 2011.
to register can do so HERE
luck everyone and thanks for visiting the Blog


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