Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dongle Emulator Time Limit Removal

The Queen's Fool-Phillipa Gregory (videoreseña)

"It is winter, 1553. Pursued by the Inquisition , Hannah Green, a 14-year-old Jewish, is forced to flee Spain with her father. But Hannah is no ordinary refugee. Your gift of "Sight," gives you the ability to predict the future, a gift priceless for dangerous times in the Tudor court, Hannah is adopted by the glamorous Robert Dudley, the charismatic son of the protector of King Edward I, who takes the court with the title of Holy Fool, for Queen Mary I and Elizabeth I finally was hired as a Fool, but working as a spy, committed to someone, but in love with his master, endangered by the laws of heresy, treason, and witchcraft, Hannah must choose between the safe life of a wife and the dangerous intrigues of the royal family. "

Video review

Very good book, I recommend it very much.

also already the review of FATAL HOUSE by Melissa Marr


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Games Of Strategy Dixit Exercises

INITIATIVE: Releases a book: D


The idea is to "liberate" (leave) a book in a public space (plaza, bar, public transportation, museum, etc ...). Can participate in the proposed all those who wish to releasing a book on February 22, 2011 at the place where they live or are at that time.

This is a tradition that has been performing for 10 years Free Book by moviemiento Argentina.
Let this great movement here too.

To enter, leave a book in a public space with an inscription stating:

- Who is who will find it but at the end of your reading should be released, so it can be enjoyed by others again.
-You can also add a drawing, letter or positive message. Invited to join this crusade.

Thank you for participating in this crusade and share the lead with your friends!

facebook group: Free a book

greetings pablo.

I'll release the book: The House of Frank Peretti and Ted Deker!

Milenavelba Cello Blog

fatal charm-Melissa Marr (videoreseña)

"At sixteen, Aislinn apparently behaves like any girl her age. Out with the girls, cool music and you have a guy in the spotlight, although of the latter is not very safe. However, there is something in it that there is nothing normal, like his grandmother, Aislinn is able to distinguish the invisible elves living among humans, an incredible gift, that more Don is a curse, because these beings do not like being caught and often harshly punish those who detect its presence. Thus, following at exactly the secret rules that his grandmother taught him never attract the attention of the elves, the elves do not respond, do not look at the elves, Aislinn will have to make do to pass unnoticed, especially in the eyes of Keenan, King of the elves, which has been proposed to seduce her and make her his queen. "


going to make a movie for 2012 and hope you stay better than the book, and not so level, the book is a saga with different players, I doubt read my others but you never know:)

sorry for not having made a long post but I've been a little busy: S


Crusing Ymca San Diego Men

take a picture (4)


Activity No. 4:

Take a picture with your favorite book. Note: If you wish to see, at least you see a part of your face either eye, cheek, forehead, etc.. Tell others not to be 100% original

to post your photo Day: Thursday February 24

Monday, February 14, 2011

Biggest Boobs Of Indian Actores

Recommendation of the Week: Against the Wind Clarity

Clarity by Kim Harringtom

Release Date: March 1, 2011


When you see things that no one else where seek the truth?

Clarity "Clare" Fern sees things. Things others can not see. Things like stolen kisses and secret burial. All you have to do is touch a certain object, and the visions come to her. It is a gift.

And a curse.

When the body of a teenage girl is found, the former boyfriend of Clare wants to help solve the case, but Clare is still angry with him for having deceived. Then, the brother of Clare, who also has supernatural gifts, becomes the prime suspect, and Clare can not leave out the whole thing. Teamed with Gabriel, the handsome son of new detective, Clare will have to venture into the depths of fear, revenge and lust to find the murderer. But his visions fail just when you need them?

Would you like to call attention to the book description? Then subscribe to the Book Tour ( HERE ) still have space available.

I hope that this recommendation has been to his liking and see you soon with new recommendations and more.



Women In Girdles Picutres

ContraelVientodelNorte Title: Fighting North Wind

Author: Daniel Glattauer

Editorial: Alfaguara

Translation: Macarena González

"In everyday life no safer place for the secret desires that the virtual world? Leo Leike receive error messages from a stranger named Emmi. As is educated, he answers as he is attracted, she writes again. Thus, little by little, there is a dialogue in which there is no going back. It seems only a matter of time known in person, but alters the idea so strongly that they prefer to postpone the meeting. Emotions would survive ", received and saved an encounter" real "?


This book was recommended by a good friend and I thought it would be fun to read something that had to do with a love for the internet then once I started reading I could not help feeling I was reading a similar story but where I had been the main character and that half of the book could not help but break to mourn for them thus I'm very honest I will not be objective enough to do the review but still will try and for those have not read it I warn you to be a couple of spoilers.

as Emmi and I will enumerate the reasons why I loved the book:

  1. The premise is original, the fact that the whole book is based on post and are so interesting and funny and sometimes dramatic but always To read the next post and if you yourself were waiting for this post.
  2. The book is short but still always has your attention and I think I had long and tedious story had become
  3. The author captures well the feeling or described the situation of what happens when you start a relationship with someone virtually either friendship or a relationship.
  4. The ending was bittersweet but just need to believe that if I had finished all pink then it would have been realistic

Now they number things I did not like

  1. The character Emmi had moments where I say I found him selfish because he was never able to shed any of those things I wanted, or their family or Leo. She lived in fantasy world with Leo on the computer where the two were completely each other even if they never came to talk about a I love you or I love you and then if she was talking to Leo again Emmi always be with family, husband and stepchildren. You definitely can not be with God and the Devil, is hard to decide if and especially when the second person to know in person and only know in the virtual world of emails that have been created. There were times where I thought Emma unbearable child and a half I think I miss more training to their nature or may simply she was well and the author wanted to describe that.
  2. Although I was pleased that the book was short and always keeps you interested I think it is too simple, if it's interesting to read the responses of the post but I think that may have described a little more every day of the two main characters that you had a little more idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was happening to their surroundings when they were in their "virtual world"

Then I broke to mourn when I read it? Because this was my story with my ex boyfriend but just in different circumstances but the essence is the same, we fell in love from afar, but the obstacles of distance, marriage, relationships and more separated us and while many argue with me when you meet someone virtually the same as in person can not physically but if you really know what the person wants to know you for who you are in is not necessary for you to see if there are other ways and is virtually or via telephone.

So if you want a simple read that will probably take an afternoon reading this, this book is suitable for you, do not expect a book where a plot with different locations and human contact beyond the virtual. & # 160;

Well I hope you liked my review them and good if their attention throughout the book ends with this if it continues in Every Seven Waves soon be reviewing.

Rating: ratek3

Happy Valentine's Day!

always wants them,


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Church Recommendation For Wedding Letter Sample

North East take a picture (3)

Activity No. 3:


take a picture, Take a book you are currently leeyendo and take a picture to the last page you read (or be where you left off). Remember to be original and add a bookmark or decoration to make it look gorgeous!

to post your photo Day: Thursday February 17

Friday, February 11, 2011

Predicting Baby's Hair Colour

Your Scene Romantic (2)


Your Scene Romantic

  • Friday
    All post the video of your favorite romantic scene, either as standard television, film or even anime.
  • You put the name of the movie or anime series. In the case of anime television series or season should put what is and is not. and chapter name.
  • If at that time a song is playing also put the name of the song and the artist. (It's a great way to learn new songs and artists).
  • A short words why you liked this scene.

then my romantic scene this week:


(Click on picture to see the scene)

Series: The Vampire Diaries

Chapter: The Night of the Comet Season: No.!

Music: Gravity by Sara Bareilles

I loved this scene because it was the first kiss Stefan & Helena (love Stefan) and Sara song fell as indicated in the scene was as spectacular when they finally kiss. ;

And what's your romantic scene this week? Join the list:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Xblades Seriel Number

One of the most awaited

could not stop TV Spot share this with you because you know I'm a fan of Transformers and Sunday brought to light the first TV spot with scenes of the film. As we all know the third installment (and the last led at least Bay) is entitled Transformers: The Dark Moon and will be released in theaters on July 1, 2011 in the United States. Here I leave you with the trailer and are fascinated with the last 10 seconds where it leaves me as an alpha male but Optimus Prime robot

Would you like me? then tell them to kill me and the wait is even longer but I think it will be worthwhile.

Krell Ksa 100 Mk2 Spec

take a picture (2)

Activity No. 2:
take a picture, to your stack of books to read
to post your photo Day: Thursday February 10

Hi tod @ s I hope you are well today my photo below:

TUF22011 Les

ready books are being read and I am ready to read:

  1. Memento Nora (ARC) by Angie Smibert
  2. Ivy Enchanted by Sarah Beth Durst
  3. Clarity (ARC) by Kim Harrington
  4. Exposed (ARC) by Marcus Kimberly
  5. Hush Money by Susan Bischoff (I have it on the Kindle so left in photo)

I apologize for the lack of decor but is the book I brought to the office! :) I had no time to do it at home.

Now I would like to see your photos! So sign up!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gum Ulcer Wisdom Teeth

Jurassic Park-Michael Chichton (videoreseña)

In this spectacular novel, dinosaurs return to conquer Earth. On a remote island, a group of men and women began a race against time to prevent a global disaster caused by the unbridled ambition to commercialize genetic engineering. But all efforts will be futile when the unscrupulous project out of control and the world at the mercy of a monstrous beast ... Jurassic Park most famous novel by Michael Crichton and one of the most read in recent years, was adapted into a film by Steven Spielberg on a film that became the big event film of 1993 and the origin of mass phenomenon called "dinomania"


a greeting!

Team Party Invitation Wording

Review Shadow of the Vampire

shadow of the vampmire Author: Meagan Hatfield

Title: Shadow of the Vampire

Editorial: Harlequin

Release Date: July 1, 2010

Vampire Princess Alexandra Feodorovna has been undead for 125 years, that enough time has passed for you have made your pulse race with any man. To Declan Black. One look at her tanned body and a fire like no other consumes it. Then he discovers that he is a dragon lord, who comes to take revenge on the vampires who killed their parents. And the demand for glass, impregnated says his powers increíbles.Alexia owner is ordered to torture and slay the dragon lord. However, with each encounter reckless, and she is consumed by his burning passion. A passion for Declan battle too. Can he resist the fire of lust turns into it and keep revenge in his heart? Or is it better to risk everything to satisfy the burning desire that consumes claim the glass and vampire like yours? (Translation)


The reason I read this book was because it was available through NetGalley for a while I wanted to read about dragons and thought it would be interesting blend of vampire the dragons were not that bad but I think the author missed a lot of time on unnecessary scenes when it should focus more on developing the storyline and give us a little more about the history behind the war between vampires and dragons.

I loved Alexandra, a strong character, resolute but sometimes frustrated me a little bit mature in their own way of handling things but I think it's a solid enough character. Declan also decided to charm me but I never understood that love was at the cave of "wolf" and I say if I understood the reason but I found something irresponsible on your part but I still love his character definitely very brave, very handsome and determined to fight for Alexandra yet when a love between the two is strictly prohibited (Romeo & Juliet a bit?). Then

Lotharus this character, the faithful servant of the Queen that the passage of years has made the Queen insole apart and more and has taken charge of the vampires, take power away from Alexandra in theory is supposed to be the next queen of the vampires. I commented that the type is the meanest, most ruthless and there are times when you think you will get in trouble the guy gets away with it or whether the guy is a son of the pot if not an insult, and there were times that frustrated that he spent his torturing everybody.

But then the author spends much time describing the scenes of torture, every 5 minutes are torturing the poor Declan still do not know how the guy lives and when you think that they can not torture torture him psychologically more then that torture Lotharus Alexandra then we had a 20% torturing people in the whole book when you explain a bit more about the history of why the war of vampires and dragons.

Then if they are not torturing the two protagonists then the two are busy taking off her clothes and eating each other (excuse the expression) but I think they appear sex scenes must have their reason for being but if we look at the circumstances that were both (the guy was a prisoner in the jail of the vampires) I do not think sex was both necessary and at times less hassle.

Then when you finally change the scenarios of what vampires dragons quarters it occupies barely a few pages then you never interact with dragons. Never do you relate to Declan's sister or with people who are around him.

The conclusion I felt a bit rushed, so anything you wanted to know the book will reveal a few pages before the book is completed then stay on tenterhooks.

So I think the author's next book should focus on giving more details of the plot to waste time on unnecessary torture or those sex scenes that are irrelevant. I think the author is a series that has so much potential and I think we can give more.

Rating: ratek3

See you soon with new reviews and more,



Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bloods Initiation Week

Your Scene Romantica (1) East


Hi tod @ s I hope you are well and I apologize for the delay in the publication of my first TUR. Then my first B

Series: Merlin

Episode: Coming of Arthur Season Part II: No. 3

I love this scene because in the series Arthur and Gwen can not be together in this series have changed little Gwen's origins and the lower class has therefore the love between the two is banned but then Arthur is about to risk his life for Camelot and I have not matter that the world know they're together but it breaks my heart that this scene Lancelot realizes that they are finally together and any chance he had with her is gone.

Yes please leave me your week's TER step to review and share with you:

Mario Salieri New Film

take a picture (2)


Activity No. 2:

take a picture, to your stack of books to read

to post your photo Day: Thursday February 10

If you have any questions please write to me

Friday, February 4, 2011

Does Terrasil Max Really Work On Genital Warts

Tu Romantic Scene 2011

is my anniversary month and you know that I love doing memes for everyone involved. Again, I bring Your Scene Romantic meme.
What is the challenge? Then they are ready:
  1. All the video posted Friday in your favorite romantic scene, whether TV series, movie or even anime.
  2. You put the name of the movie or anime series. In the case of TV series or anime you should put what season it is and no. and chapter name.
  3. If at that time a song is playing also put the name of the song and the artist. (It's a great way to learn new songs and artists).
  4. A short words why you liked this scene
I'm sure tod @ s have hundreds of scenes that you liked and are in movies, series and anime. So share and comment on scenes that over time have made us sigh.

If this sums you meme, making the logo that is on the right (under the Reading Challenge) and join this fun meme!

also subscribe to the Tools Linky tool to be able to give better tracking of your post

See you in few minutes with my first B


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Plus Size Shops In The Galleria

take a picture (1)

Hi tod @ s I hope you are well today. Well, apologies for posting my first post the meme so late but I had several setbacks today. Then I leave with my first post:

Activity No. 1
photo Take him, To your bookseller
to post the photo Day: Thursday February 3

Here's my bookshelf time, my dad painted my room this weekend therefore I touch down all my books and put them outside my room and not until this weekend is that I put everything


Let me your links their post in the comments.

See you on Sunday with the announcement of the second post of the meme take a picture.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mms Chetna And Prithvi

ChicaReview Anniversary Contest

Hi tod @ s I hope you are well, I promised here is the announcement of my anniversary contest. This year I will be giving away a copy of Delirium by Lauren Oliver, in hardcover and English.


Here are the rules for participation:
  1. Fill out the form found under the rules with the required information.
  2. must be a follower of the blog.
  3. The contest is open only to the American continent (if I'm including the U.S. and Spain) and always when you address.
  4. Please note that the book I'm giving away is and ENGLISH HARD COVER
  5. The contest will be released today, February 2, and is open until February 28 2011.
  6. The winner will be announced on March 2, 2011.
to register can do so HERE
luck everyone and thanks for visiting the Blog

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Other Sayings Similar Your Cheese My Macaroni

Contest: The nature of the surveys. 2

Hello! second part of the contest!

if you put the book title and why? +7
if you put a link to where to get

+3 please do not duplicate books, this stage of the contest ends on February 7.

Funny Wordings For Indian Wedding Invitations


My blog is two years old and for the second consecutive year I have planned activities for this month. Then I mention that I planned for this month:

  1. Anniversary Contest: be giving away a copy of Delirium by Laura Oliver in English which goes on sale today. ( On the night makes the official post to sign up.)
  2. Meme take a picture: For all those who participate will compete for a copy of Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles in English. To learn how to participate go HERE
  3. Romantic Scene Your Meme: Every Friday of the month who wants to participate can post their romantic scenes either series, movies, etc. On Friday officially throw the post to be added to the list of participants for those who participate will be prizes.

I hope you all join me in my month of anniversaries, I'm working hard to this month and year to see a lot more reviews of books, films and television series.

I love you tod @ s a lot and not stay tuned to the patron saint of just ChicaReview start



How Much John Cryer Makes Per Episode

Andalucia Culture congratulates Laura Muñoz

Today I received with joy the congratulations of the friends of Andalucia Culture, the newsletter of the cultural industries to maintain their communication efforts through ANDALUCÍA CULTURE BLOG. Work committed to the promotion of the cultural industry with the tourism thus become two complementary strategic pillars and sometimes a future full of opportunities. My sincere thanks. Blog Andalucia Culture.