Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pseudomonas And Ethanol

Forever My Review

Title: Be Mine Tonight / Forever My
Author: Kathryn Smith
Series: The Brotherhood of Blood
Publisher: Avon
No. of Pages: 384

For centuries, Chapel has served as a warrior, avoiding human contact. Now he is forced to travel to England where an ancient evil can be awakened.

Prudence Ryland has almost lost hope. Desperately needs a miracle and think you may have found it. But it is about to discover that the greatest miracle of all awaits in arms Chapel. All you have to do is get her reluctant vampire believes in the power of true love.

I tell you one reason why I buy this saga is that it was finished I knew from a simple beginning that if the beginning was to have all the books in my possession and not I had to wait months and months to read the next book.

took me almost 8 months finally decide to read the book and even had a slow start (so much so that made me drop the book several times) after a couple of events explain the plot takes shape and stay deliciously wrapped in history Chapel & Prudence.

Not the best book vampires I've read so far, however, was good enough for me to get my attention and curiosity enough to read the following books (a bold move to buy a franchise that had no idea if I would like it).

Something that I love or rather someone that I loved was the character of Prudence, despite being a woman who lived at the time of 1800 and both had an open mind, their own ideas, not the girl who needed to be saved by the male character in history, and eye this could literally save the evil that afflicted her around but the book never asks because she knows that he must make the decision. Kudos to Kathryn for writing a good example of the protagonist of the book.

Unfortunately I can not say the same of Chapel and complex suffering from Ed Cullen, because he thinks that being a vampire is the worst of the worst of the worst thing that could have happened and as I said it becomes extremely tedious when only is spent complaining about the issue but I can not complain at the end the guy puts on batteries, sorry I can not say much because then they would reveal things they should not know.

I think the book gives us a lesson extremely importantly, to live our lives the best thing to do and sometimes do not see through the eyes of Prue which suffered from cancer of the stomach to see how gradually his days were going slowly but she was make the best of them, it breaks your heart to see their struggle to live and yet makes you think you would you do if you were in that situation

I'm not 100% clear about the villain or antagonist of the story however I that in the next books will discover your purpose and obviously the other knights and friends of Chapel.

The secondary characters were also well described and formed an essential part of the story, both the young Marcus, descendants of one of the gentlemen and friends of Chapel a young impetuous but good-hearted and the father's companion Chapel Molyneux that in turn was a friend and also as a father.

So my dear readers if they want, a book of romance, vampires and this set in the old days I assure you

I hope this review has been his pleasure and see you soon with more reviews



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