Wednesday, October 7, 2009

When Does Costco Release Their Makeup Brushsets

SEX AND FILM "Films do not have sex", "when written or directed by a man or not women "," what counts is talent, not gender "

are some of the expressions we've read and heard these days in the wake of the controversy that has led to the announcement of positive measures in legislation film. As a writer, director and president of CIMA (Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media) I would like to add some facts to this debate:

in our country and in the last ten years only 7% of the films is directed by a woman. The numbers of women writers (15%) and production (17%) are more encouraging. Above, the incorporation of new generations of women will not better but worse (between 90-98 years, 17% of first-time directors were women, between 2000-2006, the ratio decreased to 10.4%) and all this despite the powers of communication in half or more of the students are women.

Do not have sex in the cinema? It seems to me that these data say the opposite sex (gender to be more strict with the language) has much, if you're a woman, you got black. Or does anyone think that in 90% of occasions the films made by men have some merit, quality and talent that only rarely achieved in a project written, directed and produced by a woman?

The film world is unfair to women, let's say plainly discriminates. Being a woman, who actually should not have anything to do with the ability and talent, is so heavy that becomes almost impossible to access the position of responsibility. I repeat, not an opinion, it is a fact as the data tell us.

should not, on the other hand if something so amazing: the same has been happening and still happens in many other areas of social activity. Women break cost us this thing called "the glass ceiling: Go to the boards of companies, ministries and headquarters of the state, university chairs, the Academy ... and the less" objective " are the parameters for measure the merits, the more it costs us. By the way, to direct films or writing scripts are not "approve" any opposition which is measured "objectively" talent.

As this absence of women in key positions has proven to be not only unjust but a loss of human capital for the costly development of a society, have taken steps in legislation to help rectify discrimination: they are called measures affirmative action and has been used in politics, science, business ... They are an essential part of any progressive legislation want the participation of women in all areas is still lacking as a result centuries of prohibitions, lack of opportunities, taboos, belittling and unfair to women "for the sake of it."

Why in the film is not intended to apply corrective measures are also aimed at democratizing our industry and diversify? Opponents apparently wielding a very fallacious argument: it is this that in the world of cinema and culture "only has the talent" do not think it necessary to devote more than three words to refute: I hope so!

But behind the protests that have been raised against affirmative action can be something much more worrisome: the intention expressly exclude women. Why?

not forget that cinema and television are able. Economic and ideological power. In film and television images and create models of what the world is, and not just what we women and men, but what we want and we can become. Is not it important that women participate in the development of the collective imagination?

Do not influence the content of films and television the fact that 90 per cent of cases, what we see has been developed exclusively by writers, directors and producers MEN? Are not we the viewers getting a vision biased, partial and limited view of reality?

Who does not want women to participate on equal terms in writing, directing and creating the world of film industry? Do men in general? Will our colleagues? I can not want to believe. This is not a battle of "women against men" The absence of creation and production of women in the English audiovisual industry is a social and political problem that affects us all.

We do not deny that making films nowadays is hard for anyone, male or female. Just say the data show that for women, is even worse. That sex has. I think Pepe Sacristán was that on one occasion and with great wit, said that making films in Spain is like being a bullfighter in Iceland. For making films in Spain as a woman is bullfighting unicorns. And yet here we are. You no matter who gets upset.


CIMA (Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media)


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